More than 17,000 people attended the two-night Festival of Joy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital city. Of those, more than 2,000 made a decision to follow Jesus Christ, including Chuluu* (pictured left). Another 18,000 people watched the Festival online.
Bus after bus brought people from Ulaanbaatar, the neighboring districts and the countryside. Others traveled to Steppe Arena by car.
Many were curious about Jesus. Some came for the music. But each one left knowing how valuable they are to God.
Franklin Graham made that perfectly clear on the final night of the Festival of Joy in Mongolia. “You are important to God,” he said. “God loves you.”
Sunday night’s message came from Luke 19, the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector who turned from his sin and started following Jesus. “Jesus stopped for Zacchaeus,” said Franklin Graham. “He called him by name. He knows your name.”
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